Panda, A., Sagiv, M. and Shenker, S. 2017. Verification in the Age of Microservices. HotOS (2017).
Venkataraman, S., Panda, A., Ousterhout, K., Armbrust, M., Ghodsi, A., Franklin, M.J., Recht, B. and Stoica, I. 2017. Drizzle: Fast and adaptable stream processing at scale. Proceedings of the 26th Symposium on Operating Systems Principles (2017), 374–389.
Ousterhout, K., Canel, C., Ratnasamy, S. and Shenker, S. 2017. Monotasks: Architecting for Performance Clarity in Data Analytics Frameworks. Proceedings of the 26th Symposium on Operating Systems Principles (2017).
Qazi, Z.A., Walls, M., Panda, A., Sekar, V., Ratnasamy, S. and Shenker, S. 2017. A High Performance Packet Core for Next Generation Cellular Networks. Proceedings of the Conference of the ACM Special Interest Group on Data Communication (2017), 348–361.
Panda, A., Zheng, W., Hu, X., Krishnamurthy, A. and Shenker, S. 2017. SCL: Simplifying Distributed SDN Control Planes. NSDI (2017).
Panda, A., Lahav, O., Argyraki, K., Sagiv, M. and Shenker, S. 2017. Verifying Reachability in Networks with Mutable Datapaths. NSDI (2017).
Ousterhout, K., Canel, C., Wolffe, M., Ratnasamy, S. and Shenker, S. 2017. Performance clarity as a first class design principle. HotOS (2017).
Balasubramanian, A., Baranowski, M.S., Burtsev, A., Panda, A., Rakamaric, Z. and Ryzhyk, L. 2017. System Programming in Rust: Beyond Safety. HotOS (2017).
McCauley, J., Zhao, M., Jackson, E.J., Raghavan, B., Ratnasamy, S. and Shenker, S. 2016. The Deforestation of L2. SIGCOMM ’16 (2016).
Panda, A., Han, S., Jang, K., Walls, M., Ratnasamy, S. and Shenker, S. 2016. NetBricks: Taking the V out of NFV. OSDI (2016).
Jackson, E.J., Walls, M., Panda, A., Pettit, J., Pfaff, B., Rajahalme, J., Koponen, T. and Shenker, S. 2016. Softflow: A Middlebox Architecture for Open vSwitch. ATC (2016).
Gao, P.X., Narayan, A., Karandikar, S., Carreira, J., Han, S., Agarwal, R., Ratnasamy, S. and Shenker, S. 2016. Network Requirements for Resource Disaggregation. OSDI (2016).
Lan, C., Sherry, J., Popa, R.A., Ratnasamy, S. and Liu, Z. 2016. Embark: Securely Outsourcing Middleboxes to the Cloud. NSDI ’16 (2016).
Padon, O., McMillan, K., Panda, A., Sagiv, M. and Shoham, S. 2016. Ivy: Interactive Verification of Parametrized Systems via Effectively Propositional Reasoning. PLDI (2016).
Velner, Y., Alpernas, K., Panda, A., Rabinovich, A., Sagiv, M., Shenker, S. and Shoham, S. 2016. Some Complexity Results for Stateful Network Verification. TACAS (2016).
Panda, A., McCauley, J.M., Tootoonchian, A., Sherry, J., Koponen, T., Ratnasamy, S. and Shenker, S. 2016. Open Network Interfaces for Carrier Networks. ACM SIGCOMM Computer Communication Review. 46, 1 (2016), 5–11.
Scott, C., Panda, A., Brajkovic, V., Necula, G., Krishnamurthy, A. and Shenker, S. 2016. Minimizing Faulty Executions of Distributed Systems. NSDI ’16 (2016).
Mittal, R., Agarwal, R., Ratnasamy, S. and Shenker, S. 2016. Universal Packet Scheduling. Usenix NSDI (2016).
Chiesa, M., Nikolaevskiy, I., Mitrovic, S., Panda, A., Gurtov, A., Madry, A., Schapira, M. and Shenker, S. 2016. The Quest for Resilient (Static) Forwarding Tables. INFOCOM (2016).
Jang, K., Sherry, J., Ballani, H. and Moncaster, T. 2015. Silo: Predictable Message Latency in the Cloud. Proceedings of the 2015 ACM Conference on Special Interest Group on Data Communication (New York, NY, USA, 2015), 435–448.
Sherry, J., Lan, C., Popa, R.A. and Ratnasamy, S. 2015. BlindBox: Deep Packet Inspection over Encrypted Traffic. Proceedings of the 2015 ACM Conference on Special Interest Group on Data Communication (New York, NY, USA, 2015), 213–226.
Sherry, J., Gao, P.X., Basu, S., Panda, A., Krishnamurthy, A., Maciocco, C., Manesh, M., Martins, J., Ratnasamy, S., Rizzo, L. and Shenker, S. 2015. Rollback-Recovery for Middleboxes. Proceedings of the 2015 ACM Conference on Special Interest Group on Data Communication (New York, NY, USA, 2015), 227–240.
Palkar, S., Lan, C., Han, S., Panda, A., Jang, K., Ratnasamy, S., Rizzo, L. and Shenker, S. 2015. E2: A Framework for Network Function Virtualization. Proc. ACM Symposium on Operating Systems Principles (2015).
Panda, A., Argyraki, K., Sagiv, M., Schapira, M. and Shenker, S. 2015. New Directions for Network Verification. 1st Summit on Advances in Programming Languages (SNAPL). (2015).
McCauley, J., Sheng, A., Jackson, E.J., Raghavan, B., Ratnasamy, S. and Shenker, S. 2015. Taking an AXE to L2 Spanning Trees. Proceedings of the 14th ACM Workshop on Hot Topics in
Networks (New York, NY, USA, 2015), 15:1–15:7.
Castro, I., Panda, A., Raghavan, B., Shenker, S. and Gorinsky, S. 2015. Route Bazaar: Automatic Interdomain Contract Negotiation. HotOS XV (2015).
Ousterhout, K., Rasti, R., Ratnasamy, S., Shenker, S. and Chun, B.-G. 2015. Making Sense of Performance in Data Analytics Frameworks. NSDI (2015).
Hu, S., Chen, K., Wu, H., Bai, W., Lan, C., Wang, H., Zhao, H. and Guo, C. 2015. Explicit Path Control in Commodity Data Centers: Design and Applications. NSDI (2015).
Agababov, V., Buettner, M., Chudnovsky, V., Cogan, M., Greenstein, B., McDaniel, S., Piatek, M., Scott, C., Welsh, M. and Yin, B. 2015. Flywheel: Google’s Data Compression Proxy for the Mobile Web. NSDI (2015).
Gao, P.X., Narayan, A., Kumar, G., Agarwal, R., Ratnasamy, S. and Shenker, S. 2015. pHost: Distributed Near-optimal Datacenter Transport Over Commodity Network Fabric. CoNEXT (2015).
Butkiewicz, M., Wang, D., Wu, Z., Madhyastha, H.V. and Sekar, V. 2015. KLOTSKI: Reprioritizing Web Content to Improve User Experience on Mobile Devices. NSDI (2015).
Ganjam, A., Siddiqui, F., Zhan, J., Liu, X., Stoica, I., Jiang, J., Sekar, V. and Zhang, H. 2015. C3: Internet-Scale Control Plane for Video Quality Optimization. NSDI (2015).
Jin, X., Gossels, J., Rexford, J. and Walker, D. 2015. CoVisor: A Compositional Hypervisor for Software-Defined Networks. NSDI (2015).
Mittal, R., Agarwal, R., Ratnasamy, S. and Shenker, S. 2015. Universal Packet Scheduling. Proc. ACM HotNets (2015).
Sun, P., Yu, M., Freedman, M.J., Rexford, J. and Walker, D. 2014. HONE: Joint Host-Network Traffic Management in Software-Defined Networks. Journal of Network and Systems Management. (2014).
Gupta, A., Vanbever, L., Shahbaz, M., Donovan, S.P., Schlinker, B., Feamster, N., Rexford, J., Shenker, S., Clark, R. and Katz-Bassett, E. 2014. SDX: A software-defined internet exchange. SIGCOMM (2014).
Sun, P., Mahajan, R., Rexford, J., Yuan, L., Zhang, M. and Arefin, A. 2014. A network-state management service. SIGCOMM (2014).
Jin, X., Liu, H.H., Gandhi, R., Kandula, S., Mahajan, R., Zhang, M., Rexford, J. and Wattenhofer, R. 2014. Dynamic scheduling of network updates. SIGCOMM (2014).
Jin, X., Rexford, J. and Walker, D. 2014. Incremental update for a compositional SDN hypervisor. HotSDN (2014).
Katta, N., Alipourfard, O., Rexford, J. and Walker, D. 2014. Infinite cacheflow in software-defined networks. HotSDN (2014).
Narayana, S., Rexford, J. and Walker, D. 2014. Compiling path queries in software-defined networks. HotSDN (2014).
Beckett, R., Zou, X.K., Zhang, S., Malik, S., Rexford, J. and Walker, D. 2014. An assertion language for debugging SDN applications. HotSDN (2014).
Bosshart, P., Daly, D., Izzard, M., McKeown, N., Rexford, J., Talayco, D., Vahdat, A., Varghese, G. and Walker, D. 2014. Programming protocol-independent packet processors. CCR. (2014).
Feamster, N., Rexford, J. and Zegura, E. 2014. The road to SDN: an intellectual history of programmable networks. CCR. (2014).
Dobrescu, M. and Argyraki, K. 2014. Software dataplane verification. NSDI (2014).
Fayazbakhsh, S.K., Chiang, L., Sekar, V., Yu, M. and Mogul, J.C. 2014. Enforcing network-wide policies in the presence of dynamic middlebox actions using flowtags. NSDI (2014).
Qazi, Z.A., Sekar, V. and Das, S. 2014. A Framework to Quantify the Benefits of Network Functions Virtualization in Cellular Networks. arXiv preprint arXiv:1406.5634. (2014).
Wu, W., Li, L.E., Panda, A. and Shenker, S. 2014. PRAN: Programmable Radio Access Networks. Proceedings of the 13th ACM Workshop on Hot Topics in Networks (2014).
Koponen, T., Amidon, K., Balland, P., Casado Martı́n, Chanda, A., Fulton, B., Ganichev, I., Gross, J., Gude, N., Ingram, P. and al, et 2014. Network virtualization in multi-tenant datacenters. NSDI (2014).
Scott, C., Wundsam, A., Raghavan, B., Liu, Z., Whitlock, S., El-Hassany, A., Or, A., Lai, J., Huang, E., Acharya, H.B., Zarifis, K. and Shenker, S. 2014. Troubleshooting SDN Control Software with Minimal Causal
Sequences. SIGCOMM ’14 (2014).
Mittal, R., Sherry, J., Ratnasamy, S. and Shenker, S. 2014. Recursively Cautious Congestion Control. NSDI (2014).
Li, H., Ghodsi, A., Zaharia, M., Shenker, S. and Stoica, I. 2014. Tachyon: Reliable, Memory Speed Storage for Cluster Computing Frameworks. Proceedings of the ACM Symposium on Cloud Computing (2014).
Mittal, R., Sherry, J., Ratnasamy, S. and Shenker, S. 2013. How to Improve your Network Performance by Asking your
Provider for Worse Server. Proc. ACM Workshop on Hot Topics in Networks (HotNets) (2013).
Liu, J., Panda, A., Singla, A., Godfrey, P.B., Schapira, M. and Shenker, S. 2013. Ensuring Connectivity via Data Plane Mechanisms. 10th USENIX Symposium on Networked Systems Design and Implementation (NSDI) (Apr. 2013).
Ousterhout, K., Panda, A., Rosen, J., Venkataraman, S., Xin, R., Ratnasamy, S., Shenker, S. and Stoica, I. 2013. The Case for Tiny Tasks in Compute Clusters. HotOS (2013).
Panda, A., Scott, C., Ghodsi, A., Koponen, T. and Shenker, S. 2013. CAP for Networks. HotSDN (2013).
Heller, B., Scott, C., Mckeown, N., Shenker, S., Wundsam, A., Zeng, H., Whitlock, S., Jeyakumar, V., Handigol, N., McCauley, M., Zarifis, K. and Kazemian, P. 2013. Leveraging SDN Layering to Systematically Troubleshoot Networks. HotSDN (2013).
Whitlock, S., Scott, C. and Shenker, S. 2013. Brief Announcement: Techniques for Programmatically Troubleshooting
Distributed Systems. Proceedings of the 2013 ACM Symposium on Principles of Distributed Computing (2013).
Marshall, S. 2013. CANDID: Classifying Assets in Networks by Determining Importance and Dependencies. EECS Department, University of California, Berkeley.
Foster, N., Guha, A., Reitblatt, M., Story, A., Freedman, M.J., Katta, N.P., Monsanto, C., Reich, J., Rexford, J., Schlesinger, C. and others 2013. Languages for software-defined networks. IEEE Communications Magazine. (2013).
Drutskoy, D., Keller, E. and Rexford, J. 2013. Scalable network virtualization in software-defined networks. IEEE Internet Computing. (2013).
Anwer, B., Benson, T., Feamster, N., Levin, D. and Rexford, J. 2013. A slick control plane for network middleboxes. HotSDN (2013).
Monsanto, C., Reich, J., Foster, N., Rexford, J., Walker, D. and others 2013. Composing Software Defined Networks. NSDI (2013).
Katta, N.P., Rexford, J. and Walker, D. 2013. Incremental consistent updates. HotSDN (2013).
Vanbever, L., Reich, J., Benson, T., Foster, N. and Rexford, J. 2013. Hotswap: correct and efficient controller upgrades for software-defined networks. HotSDN (2013).
Qazi, Z.A., Tu, C.-C., Chiang, L., Miao, R., Sekar, V. and Yu, M. 2013. SIMPLE-fying middlebox policy enforcement using SDN. SIGCOMM (2013).
Fayazbakhsh, S.K., Reiter, M.K. and Sekar, V. 2013. Verifiable network function outsourcing: Requirements, challenges, and roadmap. HotMiddlebox (2013).
Fayazbakhsh, S.K., Sekar, V., Yu, M. and Mogul, J.C. 2013. FlowTags: enforcing network-wide policies in the presence of dynamic middlebox actions. HotSDN (2013).
Reich, J., Monsanto, C., Foster, N., Rexford, J. and Walker, D. 2013. Modular SDN Programming with Pyretic. USENIX; login. (2013).
Dobrescu, M. and Argyraki, K. 2013. Toward a verifiable software dataplane. HotNets (2013).
Kang, N., Liu, Z., Rexford, J. and Walker, D. 2013. Optimizing the one big switch abstraction in software-defined networks. CoNEXT (2013).
Han, S., Egi, N., Panda, A., Ratnasamy, S., Shi, G. and Shenker, S. 2013. Network Support for Resource Disaggregation in Next-Generation Data Centers. HotNets (2013).
Jin, X., Li, L.E., Vanbever, L. and Rexford, J. 2013. Softcell: Scalable and flexible cellular core network architecture. CoNEXT (2013).
Heller, B., Scott, C., Mckeown, N., Shenker, S., Wundsam, A., Zeng, H., Whitlock, S., Jeyakumar, V., Handigol, N., McCauley, M., Zarifis, K. and Kazemian, P. 2013. Leveraging SDN Layering to Systematically Troubleshoot Networks. HotSDN (2013).
Ousterhout, K., Wendell, P., Zaharia, M. and Stoica, I. 2013. Sparrow: distributed, low latency scheduling. Proceedings of the Twenty-Fourth ACM Symposium on Operating Systems Principles (2013), 69–84.
Li, L.E., Mao, Z.M. and Rexford, J. 2012. Toward software-defined cellular networks. EWSDN (2012).
Dobrescu, M., Argyraki, K. and Ratnasamy, S. 2012. Managing Resource Contention in Software-Based Networking (Mostly by Ignoring It). Proceedings of the USENIX/ACM Symposium on Networked Systems Design and Implementation (NSDI) (2012).
Sekar, V., Egi, N., Ratnasamy, S., Reiter, M. and Shi, G. 2012. The Design and Implementation of a Consolidated Middlebox Architecture. Proceedings of the USENIX/ACM Symposium on Networked Systems Design and Implementation (NSDI) (2012).
Sherry, J., Hasan, S., Scott, C., Krishnamurthy, A., Ratnasamy, S. and Sekar, V. 2012. Making middleboxes someone else’s problem: network
processing as a cloud service. SIGCOMM ’12 (New York, NY, USA, 2012), 13–24.
Gupta, D., Segal, A., Panda, A., Segev, G., Schapira, M., Feigenbaum, J., Rexford, J. and Shenker, S. 2012. A new approach to interdomain routing based on secure multi-party computation. Proceedings of the 11th ACM Workshop on Hot Topics in Networks (2012), 37–42.
Canini, M., Venzano, D., Peresini, P., Kostic, D. and Rexford, J. 2012. A NICE way to test OpenFlow applications. NSDI (2012).
Katta, N.P., Rexford, J. and Walker, D. 2012. Logic programming for software-defined networks. Workshop on Cross-Model Design and Validation (XLDI) (2012).
Heorhiadi, V., Reiter, M.K. and Sekar, V. 2012. New opportunities for load balancing in network-wide intrusion detection systems. CoNext (2012).
Sherry, J. 2012. Future Architectures for Middlebox Processing Services on
the Internet and in the Cloud. EECS Department, University of California, Berkeley.
Sherry, J., Hasan, S., Scott, C., Krishnamurthy, A., Ratnasamy, S. and Sekar, V. 2012. Making middleboxes someone else’s problem: network
processing as a cloud service. SIGCOMM ’12 (New York, NY, USA, 2012), 13–24.
Feigenbaum, J., Godfrey, B., Panda, A., Schapira, M., Shenker, S. and Singla, A. 2012. Brief announcement: on the resilience of routing tables. Proceedings of the 2012 ACM symposium on Principles of distributed computing (2012), 237–238.
Han, S., Marshall, S., Chun, B.-G. and Ratnasamy, S. 2012. MegaPipe: A New Programming Interface for Scalable Network I/O. Proceedings of the Usenix Symposium on Operating Systems Design and Implementation (OSDI) (2012).
Sekar, V., Egi, N., Ratnasamy, S., Reiter, M. and Shi, G. 2012. The Design and Implementation of a Consolidated Middlebox Architecture. Proceedings of the USENIX/ACM Symposium on Networked Systems Design and Implementation (NSDI) (2012).
Nguyen, G.T.K., Agarwal, R., Liu, J., Caesar, M., Godfrey, B. and Shenker, S. 2012. Slick Packets. CoRR. abs/1201.1661, (2012).
Keller, E., Ghorbani, S., Caesar, M. and Rexford, J. 2012. Live migration of an entire network (and its hosts). HotNets (2012).